Wednesday, October 26, 2011


In the present day people have their own opinions on how technology has affected our mind. To be more specific the internet has become a huge problem because of the way it’s taking over our attention spans and reading habits. Instead of looking for way to legitimately search for information people tend to use the internet because it’s a faster more convenient way. Moreover what the internet has basically done is replace the idea of doing research through books and actually reading instead of skimming through text. I believe that the internet is damaging our attention spans and reading habits by making everything easier to find. What it really causes us to do is loose interest in actually picking up a book and reading it. Due to the internet having everything already summed up. I believe that the internet has a great impacted on how we currently see the world. Although the internet is faster way to go about things its consequences   are negative. Nicholas Carr says “Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article use to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of argument, and I’d spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That’s rarely the case anymore. My concentration often starts to drift after two or three page” (19). The negative effect that we all now experience is being able to read long book without any difficulties. In conclusion I believe that the internet has affected our attention spans and reading habits due to technology over powering sources that once you to be more valuable.

Monday, October 24, 2011


The sources i will be using for my milestone #2 will be
"Thinkin In Pictures My Life With Autism" by Temple Grandin (with foreword by Oliversacks)
My second source will be "Animals Make Us Human" by Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson.
My third source for the will be the movie Temple Grandin 2010.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Thesis Statement

The portrayal of autism through Temple Grandins mind is shown in the movie Temple Grandin. I will argue that the Temple Grandins successful career as a designer of humane slaughterhouse system is based on her unique abilities as an autistic. Autism was not a disability for Temple Grandin and in the end she worked through it and found ways to overcome it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I believe Richard Dawkins “The Selfish Gene” was more pessimistic about finding altruism towards other humans. It explains how the driving force in evolution does not function at the level of a species or at an individual but instead at the level of a specific gene. Genes are the prime players in evolution. Richard Dawkins also explains that our bodies are simply on a vessel for the genes we have in us and that our genes create temporary alliances so they later reproduce. I believe the way Richard Dawkins tries to explain his beliefs come out as selfish acts of genes. Olivia Judson in the other hand I think explained that altruism was the tendency to do self-sacrificial acts to do for another person which was behavior caused by a gene. Olivia Judson explains altruism is a genetic trait. In the article they compare animal acts with human actions and the traits the animals don’t have but humans do are to believe that those are the traits that make us different and helped humans survive. The writer that made me uncomfortable to understand was Richard Dawkins because I felt no connection to the book he explained it in more if a scientific than Olivia Judson did. Olivia Judson’s tones of voice in her essay made it more interesting and easy to read. I felt like she was talking directly to me so therefore I connected with her way of writing a lot more because of the way she put her ideas together also explained her ideas of altruism more deeply and it made me want to keep on reading.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Im writting on Temple Granding and protraying her mind through film i will foccusing on how she overcame austims and how she became successful. I still havent watched the Temple Grandin movie but i will soon and i also need to get some books to use in my research paper