Friday, November 11, 2011

BLOG # 5 !!

In our ENG 101 course packet an article The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (excerpt) by Ray Kurzweil explains all the optimistic views on robotics. After reading this passage and from my prior ideas on technology I agree with Ray Kurzweil. I think I’m a very optimistic person when it comes to technology and how much it has improved. I believe that technology is what gotten us this far in science and different type of inventions are what helped us evolve and make our world better. The author says “it says "people want better medical drugs; relief for humans from the need to perform boring and dangerous jobs" (Kurzweil 137) in this quote we see how technology is such an important aspect of our lives because it also helps us advances in medicine. For people with disabilities and some that might be disabled technology have helped us create robotic hands and legs that make the people’s lives a lot easier. In this Article Kurzweil explains all the helpful aspect to technology and he makes a lot of valid points. Technology should be something were afraid of because it helps us in ways that humans can’t. An example would be war there are many machines made for things human cannot do. I think of robots more as our friends than our enemy, some people think they’re going to take away jobs but what I believe it will be jobs that we can’t do. Technology is what has basically gotten us all of our electronic now and days and that’s something people nowadays can’t live without.

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