Friday, September 30, 2011


Throughout my essay I will use quotes that state how her autism affected her and how she overcame her disability. In my essay I tried to use the most important quotes I could find and one that caught my eye was “when she was younger, she was hardly able to interpret even the simplest expression of emotion; she learned to “decode” them later without necessarily feeling them” (Sacks, 10). In this quote you can see how strong Temple Grandin is and how determined she is to not let her autism affect her way of life. I think that quote says a lot because it also shows how strong minded she is in addition you can see it throughout the Oliver Sacks interview. Another good quote from the text “Anthropologist on mars” was when Oliver Sacks quotes Temple Grandin “I find a very high correlation” she said, “between the way animals are treated and the handicapped” (13) later she also states “she feels tenderness, a compassion for them that is akin to love” (14). Temple Grandin finds a connection between animals and handicapped in terms of how they are treated. It makes sense because animals are guided throughout their everyday lives just as a handicapped person would in need guidance or some type of assistance.  That showed me how much she progressed and achieved from when she was younger because she slightly has the abilities to have feelings towards cattle something autistic people have difficulties with are emotions. I believe these quotes proves my thesis because Temple Grandin is a living example that people don’t necessarily need to have feelings towards animals or human beings to act morally.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Im still unsure of what to write for this research paper, as i looked through my sheet two topics caught my eye. #4 - portraying human minds in film and #5-partraying robots (or human clones) in film. Of course the film i would use for #4 would either be the movie on Temple Grandin or The Notebook. Ive seen the Notebook numerous times and i've enjoyed it a lot. The Temple Grandin movie also interest me ever since i seen the short clips in class.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

ENG101 Assignment #1 Brainstorming

For essay#1 I will be writing on " Internet technologies are changing the human mind in unpredictable ways and are damaging our memories and attention spans." I one hundred percent agree with this statement because now in days our everyday life revolves around technology.  People now tend to depend more on online research because its a faster way to access your information, and forget that there are other types of sources that may be more time consuming but in the end more useful.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ENG 101 Blog Post #1

Hello to everyone that’s reading this, for those who don’t know my name my name is Denisse Paredes. I’m clearly a student at LaGuardia Community College and my major at the moment is Liberal Arts. My educational plans are to study and graduate at LaGuardia and then later on go to another college and major in nursing, I’m still not sure which college I would like to attend. If I had to choose between science and humanities I would most definitely choose science. Science is the reason why we’ve come so far in life and without it we wouldn’t have found the cure too many diseases that half the times are fatal. Without it we wouldn’t have medicine for when we catch colds and we wouldn’t even have electricity which is such an important thing in our everyday lives. If science didn’t exist we wouldn’t have the answer to many of our questions. I think scientist and a humanist would have meaningful things to say to each other. They both have an incredible way of looking at life and I’m pretty sure they can they can both exchange and learn different ideas from each other. In today’s world I don’t think a lot of people think scientific, it’s a little more of about emotions and what they feel is right and never really look deep into it a situation. In this cluster class I’m really looking forward to listening to other people’s ideas and opening up my mind to them as well. I’m also hoping to learn more about how the human mind works and why.