Sunday, September 18, 2011

ENG 101 Blog Post #1

Hello to everyone that’s reading this, for those who don’t know my name my name is Denisse Paredes. I’m clearly a student at LaGuardia Community College and my major at the moment is Liberal Arts. My educational plans are to study and graduate at LaGuardia and then later on go to another college and major in nursing, I’m still not sure which college I would like to attend. If I had to choose between science and humanities I would most definitely choose science. Science is the reason why we’ve come so far in life and without it we wouldn’t have found the cure too many diseases that half the times are fatal. Without it we wouldn’t have medicine for when we catch colds and we wouldn’t even have electricity which is such an important thing in our everyday lives. If science didn’t exist we wouldn’t have the answer to many of our questions. I think scientist and a humanist would have meaningful things to say to each other. They both have an incredible way of looking at life and I’m pretty sure they can they can both exchange and learn different ideas from each other. In today’s world I don’t think a lot of people think scientific, it’s a little more of about emotions and what they feel is right and never really look deep into it a situation. In this cluster class I’m really looking forward to listening to other people’s ideas and opening up my mind to them as well. I’m also hoping to learn more about how the human mind works and why.

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