Friday, September 30, 2011


Throughout my essay I will use quotes that state how her autism affected her and how she overcame her disability. In my essay I tried to use the most important quotes I could find and one that caught my eye was “when she was younger, she was hardly able to interpret even the simplest expression of emotion; she learned to “decode” them later without necessarily feeling them” (Sacks, 10). In this quote you can see how strong Temple Grandin is and how determined she is to not let her autism affect her way of life. I think that quote says a lot because it also shows how strong minded she is in addition you can see it throughout the Oliver Sacks interview. Another good quote from the text “Anthropologist on mars” was when Oliver Sacks quotes Temple Grandin “I find a very high correlation” she said, “between the way animals are treated and the handicapped” (13) later she also states “she feels tenderness, a compassion for them that is akin to love” (14). Temple Grandin finds a connection between animals and handicapped in terms of how they are treated. It makes sense because animals are guided throughout their everyday lives just as a handicapped person would in need guidance or some type of assistance.  That showed me how much she progressed and achieved from when she was younger because she slightly has the abilities to have feelings towards cattle something autistic people have difficulties with are emotions. I believe these quotes proves my thesis because Temple Grandin is a living example that people don’t necessarily need to have feelings towards animals or human beings to act morally.

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