Monday, September 19, 2011

ENG101 Assignment #1 Brainstorming

For essay#1 I will be writing on " Internet technologies are changing the human mind in unpredictable ways and are damaging our memories and attention spans." I one hundred percent agree with this statement because now in days our everyday life revolves around technology.  People now tend to depend more on online research because its a faster way to access your information, and forget that there are other types of sources that may be more time consuming but in the end more useful.


  1. I agree with you about our lives revolving around technology. I hope you do well on your essay because in my opinion there is not a lot of info. about this topic. (I love your blog by the way very cute :) )

  2. Good argument you make a good point about technology being the center of what people do now a days. But on the other hand, some people rely on it for minimal things and like a more traditional approach to learning or doing research. Good post.

  3. I think this topic can go back and forth between whether the idea of technology replacing our "ancient methods" of looking up information from a book is positive or negative. This topic seems to be the most interesting for the class of ENG 101
